
America needs housing and Howzing needs you

Donate To Howzing!

Help us help others by donating your time, your resources, or your property, either for joint venture management or 100% donation.

We thank you in advance for your donations to this worthy cause. Howzing is a Nonprofit 501(C3) registered in California. All donations are tax deductible and transparent. In addition, donating on is safe and secure, and driven by our trustworthy partner Classy. Thanks again!
Howzing works best when everybody works, and, importantly, that includes volunteers as well as paid employees. Please tell us a little about yourself.
We always need new socks, new packaged underwear, new shoes, and new or slightly used warm outerwear for our residents. Anything else of value you choose to donate, including jewelry, electronics, or furniture, please notify us to arrange pickup or shipping, and to receive a receipt for tax purposes.
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